Strategy development to operational excellence.

About us
We take a global perspective in strategic and business consulting, supported by in-depth research and experience to ensure we help businesses of all sizes, from start-ups to large organisations. We seek to support sustainable change in progressing from setting the strategic direction to embedding into operational delivery. Our scholar-practitioner approach provides the bridge between research and practice to maximise the learning and benefit to organisations.

CEO and founder
Dr. Jacqueline Hiddlestone-Mumford
Our Values
We respect different views and beliefs in always treating other people in the same manner as we want to be treated and honouring individuality.
We trust our ability to know what is right and use cultural insights appropriately to understand the global perspective.
We hold ourselves to account for everything we do and embrace opportunities to contribute.
Our Vision
Guiding the journey of your strategic development to operational excellence.
Our Mission
To help clients prosper through innovation, from developing strategy to operational delivery.
Do you struggle to implement your strategies to reach income targets?
Worse still, do you develop a strategy to have it sit on the shelf, collecting dust?
We work with you to develop a strategy that is workable for your organisation, be it one business unit, a specific focus such as digital or cyber security, or the whole organisation. We then work with you to develop the approach that is achievable in delivering that strategy. We walk alongside you, step in and out as needed or deliver in total.
We start with the Why, before the How or What. Techniques include the approach to facilitating strategy development, ensuring it is realistic and achievable and approaches to engagement within the organisation. We also draw on our network of partners to facilitate the ability to realise strategy through a greater human-centric understanding.
Partners such as CQify focus on cultural intelligence to increase understanding across organisations to improve engagement and cultural performance.
Example of companies worked with, from NGOs, INGOs, private and public sectors:

A selection of strategy and
work-related articles and papers
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2022) ‘Changing the workplace environment to enhance disability inclusion’, British Academy of Management Conference, University of Manchester Alliance Manchester Management School, UK.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J., Vibhu Prkash, V., and Usoro, I. (2022) ‘Using Change in Language as a Sustainable Leadership Strategy to Implement Sustainability Initiatives within a Higher Education Institution’, British Academy of Management Conference, University of Manchester Alliance Manchester Management School, UK. Best paper.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2021) ’Workplace Environmental Change to Facilitate Flexible Practices in the Face of Covid-19 Fallout and How that has Impacted the Work Environment Itself’, British Academy of Management Conference, Lancaster University Management School, UK.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2021) ‘The Impact of Covid-19 on the use of Strategy and Business Planning to Improve the Viability of a Business’, British Academy of Management Conference, Lancaster University Management School, UK.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2020) ‘The Impact on Long-term Viability of Using Strategic Planning at Start-up Phase in Australian Businesses’, World Association of Academic Doctors 4th Global Conference, Colorado, US.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. and Fisher, R. (2020) ‘Using Sustainable Innovation to Transform a Work Environment’, British Academy of Management Conference, Manchester, UK.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2020) ‘Strategic Planning in Australian SME Start-ups’, American Journal of Management, 20(1), ISSN: 2165-7998.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2020) ‘Strategic use of Practice-of-inquiry to Change Workplace Environments’ Journal of Organizational Psychology, 20(1) ISSN: 2158-3609.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2019) ‘The Challenge of Using Practice-based Strategies to Change a Workplace Environment’, Australian n New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Cairns, Australia. ISBN-13: 978-0-6481109-5-8.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2019) ‘Using Practice-of-Inquiry as a Strategy in Changing the Workplace Environment’, British Academy of Management Conference, Birmingham, UK. ISBN: 978-0-9956413-2-7
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2019) ‘The Use of Strategic Planning in Australian SME Start-ups’, British Academy of Management Conference, Birmingham, UK. ISBN: 978-0-9956413-2-7
Amoo, N., Hiddlestone-Mumford, J., Ruzibuka, J. and Akwei, C. (2019) ‘Conceptualizing and Measuring Strategy Implementation – a multi-dimensional view’, Strategic Change, 28(6), pp. 445-4677. DOI:10.1002/JSC.2298.
Bellamy, L., Amoo, N., Mervyn, K. and Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2019) ‘The Use of Strategy Tools and Frameworks by SMEs in the Strategy Formation Process’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(2), pp. 337-367. DOI: 10.1108/IJOA-02-2018-1363.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2018) ‘Strategic Planning Utilisation in Australian Start-ups’, West End Institute International Academic Conference, Business and Economics, Vienna, Austria. ISN:2167-3179 USA.
Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2018) ‘Infrastructure Configuration Strategies to Delivery Workplace Environmental Change’, Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference, Liverpool, UK.
Amoo, N. and Hiddlestone-Mumford, J. (2017) ‘Development and Validation of Multi-Dimensional Measures for Strategy Implementation’, Strategy & Organizational Behaviour eJournal, 6(22). Available at SSRN: